Health screen is an important test that anyone can take to know more about themselves and their bodies. The main purpose we must health screen is because it helps us identify if we have any diseases or illnesses. This is measuring yourself to make sure that your safe, this can also save you because it an early detection which will tell whether you should visit a doctor or not
BMI is the measure of your body fat according to your height and weight. BMI is used as a health screening tool, to help you identify weight problems for adults. This can be done by using this formula, BMI=weight (kg) / height (m)
Using BMI has been defined as one of the best way to measure an individual's height and weight. This process is popular because it's a fast and simple way to measure height as well as your weight and main because it applies to everyone adult women, men, and children. BMI can be measured at your home; you will just need to have height chart and scale.
BMI may be sometimes inaccurate because it does measure the body fat exactly, so if you are a really muscular person you would be marked as an overweight individual because your muscles weigh almost the same amount of a fat person.
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